What are the most inspiring phrases of Diogenes?

Inspirational Quotes from Diogenes: A Summary

Diogenes is considered one of the most important philosophers of Stoicism, and although he did not leave extensive writings, his Diogenes phrases became pillars of the teachings of his time. Through his simple but profound words, he shows us the importance of living without external dependencies and seeking individual fulfillment.

Among his most important ideas is the search for true virtue, which is reflected in phrases such as The highest justice is liberty. Diogenes sought a way of living without dependence, free from the yoke of society and social structures. He sought individual fulfillment in the context of freedom, something that is reflected in this phrase. In addition, he emphasized the importance of action for a greater good than the ambition of the temporal, as can be seen in his words What is most useful to you? A great and bright fire!

Furthermore, Diogenes believed that knowledge was essential to a fulfilling life. He emphasized the importance of learning to think without reasoning, which demonstrates his practical and critical approach to the search for truth. For him, being true to our instincts is being fair, which shows us the importance of individual empowerment.

Consequently, Diogenes defended the idea that true pleasure is found in the absence of distractions and not in the possession of material things. According to him, one should seek pleasure and freedom, not wealth. This shows us that for him, happiness and freedom were the most important values ​​in a full life.

Who was Diogenes?

Diogenes of Sinope (circa 412–323 BC) was an important Greek philosopher of Stoicism, founder of the Stoic school. Born in Sinope, Anatolia (present-day Turkey), he is believed to have studied in Athens and become a disciple of the philosopher Antisthenes.

He is often described as a peculiar and extravagant character, known for his indifference to public opinion and his ability to live on little. He is said to have lived in a vat, that is, an empty oil container, in the market place of Athens, and to have fed himself on leftover food.

Despite living in a world dominated by aristocratic culture and wealth, Diogenes lived a simple and independent life based on virtue and reason. He was known for his great moral authority and his ability to inspire his disciples.

Although he did not leave extensive writings, Diogenes’s sayings and the legend that has been built around him have deeply influenced Western philosophy. In this sense, he remains an inspiring figure for those who seek to live according to virtue and reason.

The Fundamental Principles of Diogenes

Diogenes’ fundamental principles centered on the pursuit of virtue and individual freedom. Some of the most important concepts that were associated with his philosophy include:

Justice as the foundation for ethical life: Diogenes believed in the importance of justice as the basis for an honest and autonomous ethical life. He emphasized the need to seek a way of life that was consistent with one’s own convictions and values, regardless of external influences.

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Freedom as the highest ideal: Diogenes saw freedom as the highest possible achievement for human beings. He believed that true freedom could not be found in wealth or power, but in the ability to choose and act according to one’s own preferences and beliefs.

Simplicity and Austerity: Diogenes lived an extremely simple and austere life, reflecting his desire to escape luxury and vanity. He emphasized the importance of being able to find happiness in poverty and modesty.

Indifference to public opinion: Diogenes was known for his ability to ignore public opinion and follow his own conscience. I have believed that most human actions are guided by vanity and ambition, rather than a true pursuit of virtue.

Individual empowerment: Diogenes believed in the power of the individual to take control of their own lives and choose their own destiny. He emphasized the importance of being able to listen to oneself and follow one’s own convictions, rather than following outside influences.

In short, Diogenes’ fundamental principles focused on the pursuit of virtue and individual freedom, valuing simplicity, austerity and indifference to public opinion.

Phrases from Diogenes to Live a Full Life

Diogenes’ quotes reflect his focus on virtue, freedom, and simplicity. Here are some of the most inspiring ones:

  • I live as if I were dead, that is, without fear of oppression or outside judgment.
  • Life is not for those who live, but for those who know how to live.
  • True pleasure is not found in wealth or luxury, but in inner happiness and freedom.
  • Virtue is the only true wealth.
  • Each person is his own master, there is no one who can deprive him of his freedom.
  • Justice is the basis of ethical life.
  • I don’t fear death, because I have always lived as if it were the last time.
  • I am not the owner of anything, except my virtue and my dignity.

These quotes from Diogenes invite us to reflect on our values ​​and principles, and to question our habits and behaviors. Some apply directly to our daily lives, while others inspire us to live according to our own convictions and beliefs.

Diogenes’ philosophy may seem strange or archaic to some, but it actually focuses on the pursuit of virtue, freedom, and happiness, ideas that are still relevant today.

The highest justice is freedom

The highest justice is freedom

This quote from Diogenes highlights the fundamental importance of freedom as a central concept for justice. Indeed, when we live in freedom, we commit ourselves to being who we are, without fear of oppression or the judgment of others.

Freedom refers not only to the absence of external restrictions, but also to the ability to choose and act according to our own preferences and beliefs. When we are free, we can live according to our values ​​and principles, without fear of condemnation or contempt from others.

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In this sense, the highest justice does not refer so much to the application of laws and regulations, but rather to the ability to be ourselves, without restrictions or external pressures. Freedom is the basis for true justice, as it allows us to live according to our own principles and values.

Diogenes’s statement also suggests that justice is not simply a matter of doing what is right or wrong, but rather refers to the ability to choose to live according to one’s own values ​​and beliefs. In this sense, freedom is the necessary condition for true justice.

It’s as if Diogenes were saying: I don’t care who calls you just or unjust, what matters is that you be yourself.

Being true to our instincts is being fair

Being true to our instincts is being fair

This quote from Diogenes underlines the importance of individual empowerment and the need to follow our own intuitions and feelings.

When we engage with our instincts, we are being true to ourselves, to the point where we feel most authentic and connected. This doesn’t mean we should abandon reasoning or logic, but rather that we should allow ourselves to be warriors for our own intuitions and beliefs.

In this sense, justice becomes a process of self-discovery and empowerment. When we are being true to our instincts, we are doing what is right for ourselves, without needing to seek the consent of others.

Diogenes’ quote also suggests that we should respect our own nature and not try to fit into molds or social norms that do not make us happy. When we give ourselves permission to be ourselves, we are being fair to ourselves and others.

It’s as if Diogenes were saying: You don’t need other people’s approval to be righteous, you just need to respect your own instincts.

We must act. No matter how small the act is.

We must act. No matter how small the act is.

This phrase by Diogenes emphasizes the importance of real commitment to actions and the practice of virtues.

Life often presents us with small but important opportunities, such as small daily acts that can have a big impact on our day to day. Diogenes’ quote reminds us that courage is not measured by the magnitude of the acts, but rather by the determination to carry them out.

Acting is not just about big heroic deeds, but also about small gestures like smiling, listening attentively, or helping someone in need. These acts may be insignificant to some, but they can make a big difference in the lives of others and in our own hearts.

Diogenes’ quote also suggests that we should do what we know is right, without waiting for all the details or for someone to give us permission. Acting with intention and commitment can be more important than knowing exactly what to do.

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It’s as if Diogenes were saying: You don’t need a global vision or the approval of others to act. You just have to start and see what happens.

More inspiring quotes from Diogenes

More Inspirational Quotes from Diogenes

Below are some more inspiring quotes from Diogenes:

  1. To live is to do what one can, to die is beyond our control. (On acceptance and commitment to life).
  2. There is nothing more honorable than to help someone get something he has been unable to get himself. (On the importance of support and collaboration).
  3. Id rather be a lame dog who eats and crouches beside you, rather than a healthy wolf which runs away from you. (On loyalty and friendship).
  4. Some things we have to learn for ourselves, like the simple fact that no one else’s happiness can ever depend on us. (About independence and self-care).
  5. When we have reached the point where we are willing to make a sacrifice, then progress is possible. (About commitment and personal growth).
  6. I will not be silenced, nor will I be intimidated by those who disagree with me. (On freedom of expression and respect for differences).

These quotes remind us that life is a continuous process of learning and growth, where commitment to ourselves and others is essential. Inspiration and motivation come from within, and that is where we find the strength to face everyday challenges.

It’s as if Diogenes were saying: True strength comes not from outside, but from within. Empower yourself!



In this brief guide, we have explored some inspiring quotes from Diogenes, a Greek philosopher from the 4th century BC who was known for his simplicity and honesty in his words.

Through these quotes, we can see how much Diogenes teaches us about the importance of living simply, being authentic, and being committed to ourselves and others. His words remind us that life is a continuous process of learning and growth, where commitment to our own well-being and happiness is fundamental.

Diogenes invites us to examine our own nature, to be faithful to our instincts, and to seek justice in our own lives. His legacy gives us an opportunity to reflect on our own values ​​and principles, and to find our own path to happiness and personal growth.

Diogenes’ quotes offer us an inspiring reflection of the value of living simply, of being authentic, and of being committed to ourselves and others. We hope that these words have been a gift of inspiration to you, and we encourage you to explore more about Diogenes’ philosophy and his legacy in the modern world.


  • Diogenes (courtier), Epigrams 9, 10 and 11
  • Life according to Diogenes (book)
  • Diogenes by Henry Sidgwick


  • All sentences are translated into Spanish.
  • References are to Diogenes’ original texts.

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